
  • Chairperson 2014: Cynthia Jenks Ames Lab (2015)

Steering Committee (four-year terms with the last calendar year of service indicated in parentheses):

  • Jim Reecy Animal Science (2013)
  • Cynthia Jenks Ames Lab (2015)
  • David Grewell Ag & Biosystems Engineering (2016)
  • Diane Birt Food Science and Human Nutrition (2017)

Chairpersons, by Year

1920 Melhus, I. E., Botany
1921 Wilkinson, J. A., Chemistry
1922 Bemis, H. E., Vet. Medicine
1923 Wellhouse, W. H., Zoology-Ent.
1924 Emerson, P. C., Farm Crops-Soils
1925 Woodrow, J. W., Physics
1926 Gilman, J. C., Botany
1927 Burnett, L. C., Farm Crops
1928 Hammer, B. W., Dairy Bact.
1929 Rickey, R. W., Horticulture
1930 Brown, F. E., Chemistry
1931 Lindstrom, W. E., Genetics
1932 Knight, H. H., Zoology-Ent.
1933 Murray, C., Vet. Research
1934 Guthrie, J. E., Zoology-Ent.
1935 Snedecor, G. W., Statistics
1936 Lush, J. L., Animal Science
1937 Becker, E. R., Zoology-Ent.
1938 Gilkey, H. J., T. & A. M.
1939 Beister, H. E., Vet. Research
1940 Harris, H. M., Zoology-Ent.
1941 Clark, N. A., Chemistry
1942 Cannon, C. Y., Dairy Husbandry
1943 Werkman, C. H., Bacteriology
1944 Holl, D. L., Mathematics
1945 Hewitt, E. A., Vet Physiology
1946 Richardson, C. H., Zoology-Ent.
1947 Carr, P. H., Physics
1948 Murphy, H. C., Bot.-Farm Crops
1949 Bird, E. W., Food Technology
1950 Loomis, W. E., Botany
1951 Earls, L. T., Physics
1952 Buchanan, R. E., Bacteriology
1953 Hendrickson, G. O., Zoology-Ent.
1954 Gwynne, C. S., Geology
1955 Murphy, G., Nuclear Eng.
1956 Bakke, A. L., Botany
1957 Hamilton, H. L., Zoology-Ent.
1958 Craft, W. A., Animal Science
1959 Fox, G. W., Physics
1960 Jacobson, N. L., Dairy Science
1961 Shaw, R. H., Agronomy
1962 Kirkham, D., Agronomy-Physics
1963 Tauber, O. E., Zoology
1964 Allen, R. S., Biochem.-Biophys.
1965 Wilhelm, H. A., Chemistry
1966 Frey, K. J., Agronomy
1967 Dahm, P. A., Zoology-Ent.
1968 Maple, C. G., Computation Ctr.
1969 Melampy, R. M., Animal Science
1970 Weiss, H. J., Engr. Mech.-Math.
1971 Stewart, R. M., Computer Science
1972 Wedin, W. F., Agronomy
1973 Denisen, E. L., Horticulture
1974 Pohm, A. V., Electrical Engr.
1975 Smith, F. G., Botany-Plant Path.
1976 Swenson, M. J., Vet. Physiology
1977 Cox, D. F., Statistics
1978 Seagrave, R. C., Chem. Engr.
1979 Willham, R. L., Animal Science
1980 Hammond, E. G., Food Tech
1981 Ulmer, M. J., Zoology
1982 Roderuck, C. E., Food & Nutrit.
1983 Vondra, C. F., Earth Sciences
1984 Tiffany, L. H., Bot.-Plant Path.
1985 Bergles, A. E., Mechanical Engr.
1986 Dellmann, H. D., Vet. Anatomy
1987 Horner, H. T., Botany
1988 Beitz, D. C., An. Sci./Biochem.
1989 Greimann, P. A., Civil/Const. E.
1990 Garcia, P. A., Food & Nutrition
1991 Reilly, P. J., Chemical Engr.
1992 Bachmann, M. D., An. Ecology
1993 Finnemore, D.K., Phys/Astronomy
1994 Anderson, L. L., Animal Science
1995 Dolphin, W. E., Zool. & Genetics
1996 Berger, P. J., Animal Science
1997 Pierson, B. L., Aero./Engr. Mech.
1998 Willson, L.A., Physics/Astronomy
1999 Clem, John R., Physics/Astronomy
2000 Hill, James C., Chem. Engr.
2001 Hall, Richard B., Forestry
2002 Lamont, Susan J., Animal Science
2003 Scanes, Colin G., Animal Science
2004 Murphy, P., Fd Sci/Human Nutrit.
2005 Bailey, T. B. Statistics
2006 Birt, Diane F. Fd. Sci./Human Nut.
2007 Jane, Jay-lin, Fd Sci/Human Nutrit
2008 George Kraus, Chemistry
2009 Keith Woo, Chemistry
2010 Philip Dixon, Statistics
2011 James Reecy, Animal Science
2012 Kan Wang, Agronomy
2013 David Grewell, Ag & Biosystems Engr